School Age Program

Afternoon Adventure

The School Age Program serves 52 children each day in Kindergarten through fifth grade. The program is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). The schedule is designed to be choice-based, so youth can pick the classes and activities that most excite them.

Summer Fun

Summer Fun is a full-day program that runs all summer long. It expands program offerings during the school year and offers over 60 classes to choose from each week. Swimming lessons, sports, art, science, reading and group games are a sampling of activities.

Program Hours and Fees

Afternoon Adventure

Operates during school year

Monday – Friday: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

$40/ day
$200/ week

School Vacation Weeks

During school vacation weeks

Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

$50/ day
$250/ week

Summer Fun Program

During summer months

Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

$50/ day
$250/ week

Our Philosophy

We believe that afterschool is an exciting and critical time for children. It is a place where they can try new things or explore subjects in interactive, student-centered ways. We aim to engage children in enriching activities that will help them reach their academic and social potential. There is a focus on building positive relationships between children and adults. Staff seek to form personal connections and model positive social skills.

Our Staff

The program staff have diverse interests and talents they share with the youth enrolled in the program. Each group leader is asked to design at least two academic, athletic, or arts-based clubs per semester, and each assistant group leader designs a minimum of one. All staff are CPR and First Aid certified.

Enrollment Information

For information on enrolling your child in Afternoon Adventure or Summer Fun, email Jessica Camenzuli. You may also dial 617-876-4444 for further assistance.

Financial Assistance

East End House offers limited financial assistance to families in need. We also accept vouchers from a number of resource and referral agencies. For more information on financial assistance, contact Jessica Camenzuli. You may also dial 617-876-4444 for further assistance.

Our Curriculum

Academic Support and Enrichment

Classes are designed to build academic confidence and complement what children learn in school. Students have the choice of daily enrichment activities that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), with arts and character development elements woven into all curriculum. Staff plan classes based on student interest and connect their lessons to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. All youth also receive homework help.

Family Engagement Activities

Family Engagement is a large part of the mission at East End House. Potluck dinners, student work showcases, family bowling night, game and movie nights, outdoor barbecues, community breakfasts, the annual Block Party, and trips to local museums are just a few examples of the events offered at no cost to families.

Families who use the School Age Program are also connected with all of the other resources available at East End House. Families are encouraged to participate in community workshops and are provided with support through our Community Programs office and the Emergency Food Program.

Generating and Evaluating New Adventures in Science After School (GENASAS)

This innovative program is an integral part of the School Age Program. GENASAS presents Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum in a way that helps youth see science come to life through robotics, dissections, and more. Partnerships with local biotech companies also give youth opportunities to hear guest scientists speak and visit labs to see how the concepts they are learning in school are applied in real world settings. The goal is to frame science in a new and more exciting way for youth and to open their mind to the possibility of careers in the field. A partnership with Program in Education, Afterschool, and Resiliency (PEAR), a group affiliated with Harvard University and McLean Hospital, has been forged to assist staff in aligning program elements with best practices in the field and in documenting, evaluating, and making program improvements.

Continuous Quality Improvement

The School Age Program has a variety of systems in place to ensure that we meet the needs of our families and that children are progressing socially, emotionally and academically. Evidence-based surveys are distributed to school teachers, children and families several times throughout the year to gauge satisfaction levels and identify unmet needs. Children participate in focus groups as well. Information from surveys and focus groups is used to make targeted program improvements. All data is entered into the Efforts To Outcomes (ETO) database. The system helps track progress towards targeted outcomes.

“e” inc. Science

Using hands-on science as a springboard, “e” inc. engages students across urban neighborhoods in real-time action projects that are stimulating, important, and directly linked to their “e” inc. science subject. Students study current environment challenges and come to appreciate how individuals can both affect local and global challenges and also support good outcomes. “e” inc. educators visit East End House on Mondays and implement STEM programming with School Age students.

For more information on our school age program, please contact Jessica Camenzuli. You may also dial 617-876-4444 for further assistance.